Yurrita E Hijos, S.A.

Carretera a Ondarroa s/n Mutriku , Spain
Tel: +34 943 603 245
Fax: +34 943 604 420

Email: info@yurrita.com

Website: http://www.yurrita.com

Yurrita e Hijos SA is located in Mutriku, a small coastal town in the Basque Country. It was founded in 1867 by the family Yurrita for the development of quality anchovies and other fish specialties. Today our company has a wide range of canned fish under the nameLorea such as anchovies, albacore tuna and salmon. We have also built a new factory for the manufacture of food products prepared fresh 5th range, with the same quality criteria that we used in more than 140 years of tradition of our company. Proof of this is that this new line is marketed under the brand Yurrita.
