3T Blue Line S.r.l

Via Conte Agostino Pepoli, 221 Trapani , Italia
Tel: +39 0923 559480
Fax: +39 0923 559480

Email: info@3tbl.com

Website: http://www.3tbl.com

It is certainly risky growing up and developing in international and national markets without an efficacious evaluation of one’s objectives. 3T Blue Line, with the experience it accumulated in the national and international agricultural and alimentary series, has the necessary competences to analyse and to realize the best strategies for the development of your business in Italy and abroad. It is quite simple. The first intervention is realized in action by our consultants who analyses your current situation close by your seats. Then they develop, realize and apply techniques and methods to increase your efficaciousness and your productivity, your competition capability in the markets. Many of our consultation programs offer also training/refresher courses, which are planned to satisfy your specific needs. Services Consultancy Web-marketing and internet comunication Commercial management consultancy Training to commercial and sale function Surveys
