HTI - Hydroacustic Technology Inc. | HTI-Vemco USA

715 NE Northlake Way Seattle , United States of America
Tel: +1 206-633-3383
Fax: +1 206-633-5912






As experts employing sound in water for fisheries research, HTI is a global leader in acoustic telemetry and hydroacoustic echo sounders. With proven scientific methods to estimate survival, passage efficiencies and track behavior of aquatic life, HTI advances technologies (e.g., Predation Detection Acoustic Tag). HTI tags track hundreds of fish simultaneously in high-resolution 2D/3D, providing data remotely and in real-time. HTI’s sounders are used for monitoring distribution, density, enumeration and entrainment.  With a unique ability to design, engineer, manufacture, train and consult for evaluations, HTI conducts studies, provides support and training to address objectives. HTI manufactures hydroacoustic (sonar) fisheries research equipment, specializing in acoustic tags, acoustic  tag receivers and active hydroacoustic systems. We also conduct hydroacoustic research in oceans, lakes, and rivers, and at hydropower dams, estuaries, shipping locks, or anywhere an accurate assessment of fish abundance or behavior is required. We can help you with: Acoustic Tags, Receivers, and Data Loggers Split-Beam Hydroacoustic Systems (Echo Sounders) Consulting Short Courses / Training / Workshops 24/7 Customer Support We’re committed to our clients, their work, our people, and to innovation. And with that, our team of scientists, engineers, and technical personnel continue to provide world-class tools for fisheries research.
