US -Universidad de Sevilla-

C/ S. Fernando, 4 Sevilla , Spain
Tel: +34 954 551 000


The University of Seville is a Public law entity, invested with legal personality, that develops its functions, in accordance with the current legislation in an autonomous scheme. Public service of higher education is assigned to this University and carried out through the study, teaching and research as well as the generation, development and diffusion of knowledge at society and citizenship’s service. It is a public institution that serves the society and is inspired by the equality, freedom, justice, solidarity and pluralism principles. The University of Seville serves, within the constitutional framework, the people intellectual and material development and the defense of Human Rights, Environment and Peace. Its main objectives are the followings: The creation, development, transmission, diffusion and criticism of the Science, the Technology, the Art and the Culture, promoting a comprehensive vision of knowledge. The training of the students for professional activities that require the application of knowledge and humanistic, scientific, technical or artistic methods, fostering the relations between research, teaching and professional practice. The scientific and technical support for the cultural, social, economic and territorial development, with a special attention to the Autonomous Community of Andalucia. The job placement of its students and graduates. To favour the freedom of thought the participation, the innovation and the rigorous and critical mind. The encouragement and training of its members to exercise a critical, solidary and responsible citizenship.
