Til-Aqua International - Nucleus

Zandstraat 86 Someren , Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)653 310 206
Fax: +31 774 720 671

Email: info@til-aqua.com

Website: http://www.til-aqua.com

Website: https://www.youtube.com/TilAqua

All Male Tilapia - without hormones:  No hormones in consumption fish No daily contact with hormones (feeding) No environmental harm No ecological impact (masculinization) No decrease in fish resistance caused by the use of testosterone (Harris and Bird, 2000) Work fields - Breeding and selection We are continously improving our strains - Natural Male Tilapia: Broodstock and fry Worldwide sales of our special, all male producing broodstock and their fry - Research and development Our research and development unit is continously chearching for improvements and better production methods. This unit also works for third parties. - Management and consultancy We help customers in the field and at our hathcery  to improve their skills in hatchery work and Tilapia farming. - Hatchery design and construction In cooperation with the company Fleuren&Nooijen we design and set-up (pre-fab) Tilapia hatcheries.
