TECOPESCA - Tecnica y Comercio de la Pesca C.A.

Via del Pacfico km. 4 1/2 Manta , Ecuador
Tel: +593 529 239 11
Fax: +593 529 202 24

Email: tecopesca@tecopesca.com

Website: http://www.tecopesca.com

Tecopesca C.A., has benn constituted in October 2000, having to the date as principal activity the transformation of seafood products with the highest added possible value and the production of "frozen precooked tuna loins". This company, which its capital is 100% Ecuadoran, has turned into one of the seafood leading companies at South American level. Worried for satisfying the needs of its cutomers and the market's demands, Tecopesca C.A. relies oncutting edge technology for processesing, freezing, storage and conserves, in order to elaborate quality products.
