Scrabster Harbour Fish Market

Harbour Office Scrabster , United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1847 892 779
Fax: +44 1847 892 353



Scrabster's close proximity to the northern fishing grounds, along with its well established, dedicated facilities have been contributory factors in establishing the harbour as the fastest growing fishing port in Britain. The same advantages of geographical position and infrastructure apply equally to oil industry pioneers of the Atlantic frontier. Scrabster's location in the far north of Scotland puts it in the front line of oilfield development, offering a more cost effective base over distant east coast ports. On-going development at Scrabster Harbour has seen the construction of a new Ro-Ro and Lay-by Pier, this, in turn, has allowed the creation of a deep water basin. A £50M programme for future development of the port is underway.
