World Seafood Shanghai Exhibition (SIFSE)

Shanghai New International Expo Center- No. 2345 Longyang Rd. Pudong New District Shanghai , China
Tel: +86 21 6775 9097
Fax: +86 21 3782 1409




Shanghai International Fisheries & Seafood Exposition (hereinafter referred as SIFSE) was inaugurated in 2006, and has been held successfully for 8 years. Setting the benchmark for overseas companies stepping into China, especially the rich Yangtze River Delta region, as well as for domestic suppliers to meet international buyers, SIFSE aims at promoting the trading and communication in the fishery industry worldwide.  The 13th edition will be held on August 29-31, 2018 in Shanghai New International Expo Center. For the past 12 years,the World Seafood Shanghai Exhibition (SIFSE) has become the central meeting place in Shanghai for you to meet fish and seafood buyers in one location, when they are actively sourcing products likes yours.  This event focuses on the Shanghai and Central China seafood market, and aims to reduce the supply and demand gap by providing you with new business networking opportunities in key sectors, including aquatic processing, aquaculture, long-range fishing, cold chain logistics, e-commerce, plus much more.  In 2016, the event attracted 31,441 buyers and sellers from over 39 countries and regions, including USA, South Korea, France, Ecuador, Australia, New Zealand, Chile and Russia, plus many others.  For the next edition in 2018, the exhibition will be co-organised with ITE Group, an international exhibition organiser and owner of the internationally successfully ‘WorldFood’ series of exhibitions which are held annually in Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Poland and Uzbekistan. 
