Nordhavn West Marine & Offshore A/S

Nikkelvej 17 Randers SV , Denmark
Tel: +45 70 21 34 00
Fax: +45 70 21 34 11



Nordhavn is a specialised supplier of products, concepts and services for practically any diesel engine installation. Whether you need a large, complex total solution or quick delivery of spare parts, we always deliver the very best. Exclusive distributor in Denmark, the Faroe Islands and Greenland of Scania, Twin Disc and AGCO Bibu Power ------------ Nordhavn-West Marine & Offshore er en specialiseret leverandør af produkter, koncepter og service til stort set enhver dieselmotor-installation. Hvad enten det drejer sig om store, komplekse totalløsninger eller hurtig installation af reservedele, leverer vi altid det ypperste.
