Binca Seafoods GmbH

Landsberger Strasse 326 München , Germany
Tel: +49 89 76 73 67 - 0
Fax: +49 89 76 73 67 - 10



Binca Seafoods, founded in 1995 and headquartered in Munich, is an independent private German enterprise importing deep-frozen seafood delicacies and associated specialties designed for the needs of wholesale and retail trade and for  the industry generally. With an emphasis on seafood products from Asia, the corporate philosophy is that top quality products can only be achieved through the successful interaction of the entire value chain, from production right through to processing and logistics. Binca Seafoods, in collaboration with its networking partners, vigorously pursues this goal by operating its own farms on the basis of a sustained strategy, by carefully selecting suppliers and by continuously monitoring quality standards locally. Furthermore, sustainable economic management of seafood as a natural resource is an integral part of the company vision.
