c/o European Marine Programme of the Pew Environment Group The Pew Charitable Trusts Square du Bastion 1A boîte 5 Brussels , Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)2 274 1620

Email: info@ocean2012.eu

Website: http://www.ocean2012.eu

Website: http://it-it.facebook.com/pages/OCEAN2012/85850197733

Website: https://twitter.com/OCEAN2012EU

Website: https://www.youtube.com/ocean2012eu

A coalition dedicated to ensuring that the 2012 reform of the EU Common Fisheries policy stops overfishing, end destructive fishing practices and delivers fairs and equitable use of healthy fish stocks. Vision Our vision is of healthy oceans with abundant fish and wildlife contributing to human well being. Mission statement Our mission is to ensure that the 2012 reform of the EU Common Fisheries Policy stops overfishing, ends destructive fishing practices and delivers fair and equitable use of healthy fish stocks.  Our broad alliance of organisations employs scientific evidence and extensive experience in engaging decision-makers and stakeholders at all levels. 
