AKS Sondermaschinenbau GmbH

Käsermühl 5 Bischofsmais , Germany
Tel: +49 992 090 3165
Fax: +49 992 090 3166

Email: info@aks-sondermaschinenbau.de

Website: http://www.aks-slicer.de

In 1994 Foundation of the "Anton Kohlbeck Anlagenbau und Handelsvertretung" (installation and distribution) company by Anton Kohlbeck.In 1998 create "AKS Sondermaschinenbau GmbH" with main emphasis fish processing. As a competent partner in the fish processing industry AKS has for several years been supplying customised machines for the production of pre-cut salmon, swordfish and tuna portions and many others. Slicer Grinding Machines Conveyor Belts Second Hand Machines/Spare Parts/Accessories
