Dantech - Danish Technology Center ApS

Vedbaek Strandvej 425 Vedbaek , Denmark
Tel: +45 4576 3636
Fax: +45 4576 1705

Email: dantech@d-tech.dk

Website: http://www.d-tech.dk

Danish Technology Center ApS  has delivered innovative technology and solutions to the food processing industry since 1983. The solutions have been varied, and covered everything from designing and building entire factories to constructing processing on-board fishing trawlers. In 1998 Dantech added Clean Technology and Waste Water Treatement Systems to our solutions, to meet the growing global demand of environmental responsibility within the industrial sector. With key aims of cutting customers costs on effluent surcharges dramatically with a clear focus on "Greener Solutions" and at the same time ensuring no by-products are wasted during the production. Dantech - Danish Technology Center designs and manufactures fully customised solutions according to each customers unique demand and specifications. Dantech also contributes with input and ideas, build on more than 25 years of solid experience within the food processing industry on a global scale.
