Pesquerias de Túnidos, S.A.

Avd. de la Constitucion Barbate , Spain
Tel: +34 956 43 22 11
Fax: +34 956 45 41 38



The Group PETUSA comprises various companies engaged in marine fisheries sector and marketing, owning three vessels freezer tuna and two logistics support ships, operating primarily in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean.  Also Petusa Group since its inception has opted for a selective fishing style that ensures sustainable development of resources, thereby allowing the continuation of marine species. The Group aims at establishing the bases Petusa to regulate and monitor the various fishing grounds in order to get along with responsible fisheries conservation. The Group Petus only agreement recognized as the product of fishing as "Dolphin Safe" Program for the Conservation of Dolphins (AIDCP), promoted by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC). Túnidos Fisheries, S.A. (Petusa) was acquired in 2013 by the Calvo Group
