Wellcome Co Ltd - Supermarkets

5/F Devon House 979 King's Road, Taikoo Place Hong Kong , Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2299 3838
Fax: +852 2299 2828

Email: eliu@wellcome.com.hk

Website: http://www.wellcome.com.hk

Website: https://www.facebook.com/wellcome.supermarket

Wellcome (Wellcome) was established in 1945, is the largest and the oldest supermarket chains in Hong Kong, has become the largest and the oldest supermarket chains in Hong Kong by the development of a small store, has more than 260 branchesthroughout the territory; employees number approximately 5,000, monthly customer more than 14 million people, an average of every 10 persons in Hong Kong, there were 6 per week visit Wellcome.
