A G Salmon & Co.

Cuil Bay, Duror Appin , United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1631 740 358
Fax: +44 1631 740 358

Email: info@agsalmon.co.uk

Website: http://www.agsalmon.co.uk

Established in 1991 A G Salmon & Co is an independent Naval Architecture & Design Consultancy, with a diversity of expertise in the commercial, tourism & pleasure sectors of the Maritime Industry. Our office based on the West Coast of Scotland has modern communications equipment permitting effective world wide communications and data transfer. In house PC based computer facilities allow us to offer a comprehensive range of computer aided design & drafting services. In particular our activities focus on specialist workboat, small ship & floating structure design, covering all aspects of:    * Project assessment & feasibility Design Studies & Proposals    * Detailed designs to meet clients individual requirements    * Build Specifications & Tendering    * Preparation of detailed Construction Drawings    * Liaison with Class, Marine administrations & Certifying Authorities    * Build Supervision & Trials    * Condition,Insurance, Damage & Code Surveys
