130, Avenue de Lattre de Tassigny BP 177, Marseille , France
Tel: +33 (0) 491 17 27 00
Fax: +33 (0) 491 41 43 58



  Immunotech was founded in Marseille, France in 1982 with aim of developing industrial applications for monoclonal antibodies. From beginning, the company progressed successfully and marketed many innovative products, several of them patented. Its offer covered antibodies for cell analysis, as well as assay kits for the determination of hormones, tumor markers, cytokines, etc. Incidentally, the history of the Czech part of the company started also in 1982 with establishment of RIA department within the Radioisotope Research and Application Institute in Prague. Later on, it was transformed into the independent company and went into the strategic partnership with Immunotech Marseille. Prague Immunotech itself was established in 1992. Both sites continued with the development, manufacture and sale of immunodiagnostic kits, sharing the same know-how of unique, patented technology of the solid phase coating. In 1995, Immunotech became part of the company Coulter and in 1997, with acquisition of Coulter company by Beckman corporation, Immunotech became a part of newly created Beckman Coulter, Inc. An extensive scientific and technological knowledge base was combined with outstanding strategic experience.  
