Henry Lamotte Food GmbH

Merkur Str. 47 Bremen , Germany
Tel: +49 (0)421- 52 39 -4
Fax: +49 (0)421- 52 39 -4

Email: info@lamotte-food.de

Website: http://www.lamotte.de

The Henry Lamotte Oils GmbH offers a wide range of oils, fats, waxes and related specialties in the food industry. For producers of food of any kind we provide the appropriate and suitable materials (eg, fractionated oils, aromatherapy oils, frying oils *, marinade fats, etc.) - obviously the best quality. Looking for a certain fatty acid profile, a special frying oil, a special flavor, oil blends of different oils (including fractionated oils) or just an inexpensive neutral oil - we are happy to help. Veterinary and food industry:   Both the veterinary industry, as well as pet food and pet food industry to the classic diet of farm animals as raw materials are dependent on high-quality food oils. This guarantees not only a high energy supply is a healthy and rapid growth of the animals and thus a higher efficiency.   The Henry Lamotte Oils GmbH is one of the major producers and suppliers of these oils, fats and waxes. Many of the used native materials are also characterized by natural and functional ingredients, which are important for a balanced diet. The area of ??skin care products is becoming more important and is covered by the comprehensive range of care oils, fats and waxes, as well as the Henry Lamotte Oils GmbH.    
