OOO Triple Sea House, Inc. - Three Maritime House

121471, Moscow, Rowan Street, Building 41. Moscow , Russia
Tel: +7 (495) 440-63-63



Company "Triple sea house" since 1998. In the first stage we were trading-purchasing venture with fish-canning shop. During 1998, our company has established distribution system packaged caviar and gourmet canned fish in Moscow and Moscow region. In 1999, started to create a set of canned fish in Kamchatka, canned fish complex in the Moscow region and organization of marketing systems on the territory of Russia. Since 1998, the company has paid great attention to the system of procurement of raw salmon roe in the Far East, resulting in the serious work we have a network of offices in the Maritime Territory, Sakhalin and Kamchatka, which gave us a competitive advantage in logistics for raw materials. Since 2002 we have made the restructuring of our industrial complexes and their formation by product group, which takes into account market conditions: Fish Canning Complex Triple Sea House "(1998, Orel region) - it's delicious production: caviar salmon, caviar and fine-mesh cod species, canned crab - are the products with the indicators of good quality and high price. Under the brand name "Sea King" produced canned premium rates with high quality. Fish Cannery complex " Bear "(2000, Kamchatka Oblast) - a raw material breakdown salty caviar salmon, pollock and cod roe. Fish processing plant " Volga-Don House (since 2002, the Volgograd region) - it's packed frozen river and sea fish, raw eggs fine-mesh fish.
