EAPO - The European Association of Fish Producers Organisations

Ierse Zeestraat 50 , Belgium
Tel: +32 59 32 18 76
Fax: +32 59 32 28 40

Email: info@eapo.com

Website: http://www.eapo.com

The objectives of the Association are: to improve relationship between all the European producers' organisations and, by frequent meetings, solve the European fish marketing problems to govern together resource and to contribute to put in operation the control measurers of this government to adapt and harmonise the common rules in the fisheries sector to put in operation the rule of "extension of discipline" to coordinate the actions with the producers' organisations of the community to promote common consultation between the different professional structures to obtain recognition by the European Economic Community as the official representative of the European producers' organisations and more generally, to favour the harmonisation and the development of the actions of producers' organisations the Association shall try to realize the objectives by means of publications, letters, conferences and meetings with the national and international authorities especially the E.E.C.-authorities qualified in fishery affairs The Association does not operate for profit.  She can act directly or indirectly in connection with the   objectives of the Association.
