GC Rieber ASA - Group Headquarters

Solheimsgaten 15 - P.O. Box 1114 Sentrum Bergen , Norway
Tel: +47 55 60 68 00
Fax: +47 55 60 68 05

Email: firmapost@gcrieber.no

Website: http://www.gcrieber-shipping.no

GC Rieber is a privately owned company who offers long-term active ownership to a range of core businesses.  The activities are consentrated around three business areas; industry, Shipping and Property. Each of the areas are characterised by high competence in niche markets. GC Rieber operates locally as well as globally, primarily in business markets.  GC Rieber was founded in 1879 and over four generations has evolved, both through their own growth and through acquisition and sales. The head office is located in Bergen.
