ABCC - Associação Brasileira de Criadores de Camarão / Brazilian Shrimp Farmers Association

Rua dos Caicós, 1865 - 1º Andar Natal , Brazil
Tel: +55 8432 319 786
Fax: +55 8432 316 291




From the moment that Brazilian laboratories dominated the breeding and larval rearing of L. vannamei and started the commercial distribution of post-larvae, which has to occur in the first half of year 1990, the farms in operation or semiparalisadas adopted the new crop of shrimp, achieving levels of productivity and profitability higher than those of native species. The validations were stepped up in the technological process of adaptation of L. vannamei and from 1995/1996 was demonstrated the commercial viability of its production in Brazil The L. vannamei is therefore the only species that are currently grown in Brazil. Over the past five years, the results of work carried out in the process of domestication and remain converged increasingly converging to structure a semi-intensive system of production that is suitable for the conditions of Brazilian estuaries.  
