Taiwan Tilapia Alliance

2 Pei-Ning Road, MAF Room 525 Keelung, , Taiwan
Tel: +886 2-2462-2324
Fax: +886 2-2462-7396

Email: t2a@taiwantilapia.org

Website: http://www.taiwantilapia.org

The Taiwan Tilapia Alliance (T2A) is a non-profit and non-government organization established to coordinate and collaborate with national and international tilapia activities and efforts; to promote Taiwan’s tilapia industry to become more environmentally friendly, socially acceptable, economically viable, technically appropriate, and market responsive. The alliance was formed on February 19, 2002. The Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Executive Committee of the T2A are responsible for addressing policy issues and reviewing projects. There are nine committee members who all come from industry representing various fields of farming, processing, and trade.
