IQF Group - CaroTech Headquarters

Pol. Industrial Francolí, 30 Tarragona , Spain
Tel: +34 977 545 544
Fax: +34 977 549 709



Founding of IQF Spain in 1970 focused to the research and manufacture of additives and pharmaceutical products for animal health and nutrition, including the first natural carotenoids. IQF Group is dedicated to continuous improvement of results for its customers, partners, employees and shareholders in the chemical and pharmaceutical fields, leading the research and development of carotenoids and pro-vitamins in the world Our mission is achieved within a framework of mutual respect characterized by our dedication to:  total quality and highest performance of all products and services offered to our customers worldwide  high standards of excellence and commitment by our employees through the Total Quality Concept  constructive monitoring of the enviromental impact of our products and services   highest level of corporate responsibility  state-of-the-art technology and continuous research In 1999 Carotenoid activities were transferred from IQF to Aditivos Naturales, S.A. (currently Carotenoid Technologies, S.A.). Research for production of beta-carotene and carotenoids for aquaculture is started.
