Pesquera Echalar S.A.

Idiakez, 9 Donostia-San Sebastian , Spain
Tel: +34 943 440 652
Fax: +34 943 440 340


Fishery Group controlled by the family Otaegi - No WEB available. References: The case of credit assignments  El Pais - Madrid - 25/06/2003 38 tax offenses for eight million euros Among the 38 holders of credit transfers, based on the indictment of Banco Santander, have failed to pay to the Treasury in 1989 1,320,932, 236 pesetas (eight million euros) is Echalar Pesquera, SA: corporate tax, 176,077 , 48 euros. ------------- Conxemar president sues the council for alleged corporate Marfrío Faro de Vigo - Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Four entrepreneurs in the fishing industry, members of the Basque saga known Otaegui (owner of Pesquera Echalar SA) and Ojeda Gijon (owner of Copeman SA), sat on the bench yesterday in the Fifth Section of the Court based in Vigo, eight years later ...
