Pefa B.V.

Visafslagweg 1 Scheveningen , Netherlands
Tel: +0 +32 50 54.76.48
Fax: +0 +32 50 54.76.94
Tel: +31 70 3588787
Fax: +31 70 8910410



The Pefa auction system started its operating in 1998. At the time of its founding, Pefa was the first sales system for fresh fish to use the Internet. Suppliers of 13 member auctions in Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium and Italy now have access to a large market thanks to the electronic sales system. From their office, buyers can buy fish centrally and at multiple auctions simultaneously. The number of buyers purchasing through the Pefa system is growing daily. More and more auctions are showing an interest in joining Pefa. Service to suppliers, buyers and auctions is the first priority at Pefa. Buyers receive extensive information on the fish offered (such as time of catch, location and fishing method used). The database also gives buyers and suppliers a wealth of information in figures on price trends and supply fluctuations. As of 1 January 2008, Pefa is owned by six cooperating Dutch fish auctions (Den Helder, Den Oever, IJmuiden, Scheveningen, Stellendam and Colijnsplaat).
