Murman Seafood Co. Ltd

Karl Marks Street, 28 Murmansk , Russia
Tel: +7 8152 263923
Fax: +7 8152 263910



Murman SeaFood Company Ltd. has been established in 1997. The company carries out industrial, transport, commercial and intermediary activity, wholesale and retail trade in the field of fishery. Company is the licensed ship-owner, annually receives industrial quotas for fishing of water bio-resources. The strategy of Company's activity in the field of oceanic fishery is based on aspiration to take the most of resources of 200-mile zones of the foreign states and of an open area of world ocean, to strengthen a position of Russia at the international level. Industrial activity of the Company began from one modern factory-trawler "Murman" leased at the foreign ship-owner on conditions of bareboat-charter-party and working in zones of Barents and Norwegian seas on traditional ground fish species' (Cod, Haddock, Redfish, Pollack, etc.) . In the following 1998 the fishing fleet of the Company has been replenished with two more freezing trawlers "Maroanjoca" and "Matrioska" and a unique seiner-trawler "Murman-2", that has allowed to start active harvesting of fish resources of Northwest Atlantic, earlier unused by Russia (Greenland halibut in NAFO area and in Western Greenland area) and of Northeast Atlantic (capelin, herring and blue whiting in zones of Iceland, Yan-Mayen and in an open part of Norwegian sea), as a result  the total catch has increased in 4,6 times
