Handelshof - Cash & Carry

Rolshover Straße 229 Köln , Germany
Tel: +49 221 839060

Website: http://www.handelshof.de

The Handelshof Group operates in Germany 16 cash & carry markets (cash-and-carry stores) in North Rhine-Westphalia, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and in the Hamburg area. The offer of Handelshof markets aimed at restaurants, hotels, catering, retail, independent contractors and freelancers. Handelshof customers can source their products both on the 16 markets as well as through the wholesale delivery. To this end, the provider operates its own outbound with refrigerated trucks that deliver big orders into the house. The company currently employs some 2,300 employees (as of December 2010). Cooperation partner of Handelshof Group in the field of procurement and logistics until 31 December 2011 was Edeka and from 1 January 2012 the MARKANT AG
