
Albtalstr. 24a St. Blasien , Germany
Tel: +49 0172 57 47 906



Consulting company which provide different services: EXPERT OPINION In a report the day of order is always decisive. It is best if an opinion is given before the contract in order and can then be used as a negotiating basis for the present offers, etc. Stratregien. CONSTRUCTION OF RECYCLING PLANTS The construction of recycling plants for aquaculture is a combination of many trades. From civil engineering to building construction, plumbing, electrical, and not least the professional system builders must all be coordinated when the construction will be completed successfully. PLANNING OF INDIVIDUAL PLANTS Not always, standard modules for circulation systems are used. Especially in old buildings and research facilities, an individual is planning erforderlich.Diese we do for you. FISH FEED PRODUCTION IN A SMALL COMPLEX In many countries, a purchase of high quality fish food is not possible. And it offers the production of in-house. However, small plants with a capacity of about 0.3 to 3 tons per hour for manufacturers of compound feed plants in the true sense of the word only small fish. With our partners we are planning but also small and small sizes for you. 
