INAO - l’Institut National de l’Origine et de la Qualité (Label Rouge)

12, rue Henri Rol-Tanguy TSA 30003 93 555 Montreuil-sous-Bois cedex , France
Tel: +33 01 73 30 38 00



The 'Institut national de l'origine (INAO) et de la qualité is a public administrative institution, endowed with legal personality, under the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. By the Law on Agriculture of 5 January 2006, the INAO is responsible for the implementation of French policy on the products under official signs identifying the origin and quality: designation of origin, IGP , red label, GTS and organic farming. The Institute is headquartered in Paris, based on eight territorial units covering the entire metropolitan area. Officials of the INAO (about 260) accompany producers in their efforts to obtain an official sign of the origin and quality. After obtaining the sign, they continue this support, particularly in the context of their supervisory duties, throughout the life of the product. In general, they prepare and implement the decisions of the bodies of the INAO
