Kagiso Trust

1st floor, 27 Scott Street, Waverley Johannesburg , South Africa
Tel: +27 (011) 566 1900

Website: http://www.kagisotrust.com/investments.html

Website: http://www.kagiso.co.za

The long history of Kagiso Trust (KT) is entrenched in building sustainable partnerships for poverty eradication. For over 20 years, KT has worked with South Africans to achieve a society which offers liberty, justice and freedom from poverty. The core business of KT is empowering poor marginalized South Africans so as to affirm their place and participation in the larger social institution. KT pursues an organizational development strategy that seeks to maximize its unique strength of relating to ordinary people, particularly in rural communities, as well as its’ considerable experience in development facilitation to identify sustainable solutions towards poverty eradication.
