Gaster Sp. z o.o.

gen. Sikorskiego 29 Pyskowice, , Poland
Tel: +48 032 401 21 10
Fax: +48 032 401 21 11



The Gaster Limited Company has worked in the food industry since year 1992.  The Company Gaster was sold to the Capital Group GRAAL. on 15th May 2006.  Grail purchased 100% of shares of the Gaster Ltd. all together and as many of votes on the meeting of shareholders.  The Gaster Company deals among other things with the production of vegetable salads including pork products and fish, meat and fish products in the jelly and herring products.  The enterprise is situated in the area of Jaskowice near Pyskowice in the Silesian province.  A modern plant, realizing rigorous requirements stated for production plants in the food industry, was built with the support of Union Funds in 2004 .  We produce basing on the checked technology, as best to satisfy customers. We use exclusively raw materials of the top quality to the production and the processing follows rigorous health-hygienic requirements.  In order to fulfill the requirements of the environmental protection, within the area of the plant the sewage treatment plant was built targeting at the technological sewage cleaning. All our products are provided with are a sign of "Tradition and taste" or "Qualita" which makes it possible to distinguish them from products of other firms.  The producer of dainty ready-to-serve products.
