Dörig & Brandl AG. - Der Frisch-Fisch

Ballonstrasse 24, Gaswerk Nord Schlieren , Switzerland
Tel: +41 447 33 40 80
Fax: +41 447 33 40 88

Email: info@doerig-brandl.ch

Website: http://www.der-frisch-fisch.ch

The brand for FRESH FISH We are responsible and careful use of the valuable products from the sea and from fresh water - for thirty years, since we are working with FRESH-FISH. FRESH FISH quality is the term for all our services, our trademark is the sign of the mark for ourselves in our own right. It's about the safety of fish products  The basis for our work are our responsibility, our expertise and our years of experience working with fish. Our daily activities directed for years by the criteria of the HACCP system. Analyses of the products quality and control measures in our processes in our company are the solid bodies for hygiene and to ensure the safety of the product. We continually improve our product offering, for our branches of the FRESH-FISH-MERCATO, and we discuss this regularly in our customer forum OUVERTE TABLE.
