Alabama Catfish Producers

, United States of America


Founded in 1974, Alabama Catfish Producers, a division of Alabama Farmers Federation, is composed of fish farmers across the state involved in aquaculture. The dictionary calls "aquaculture" the science of raising water-based animals in a controlled environment. Consumers call it a great way to produce one of the tastiest and highest-quality fish around - genuine U.S. farm-raised catfish. And Alabama fish farmers call it a way of life - something they love doing and are proud of it. Alabama has around 22,000 water acres of fish farms where nearly 200 commercial farmers produce 25 different aquatic species. Farm-raised catfish is by far the dominant species, with Alabama ranking second in the U.S. in annual catfish sales. Alabama farmers currently produce well over 100 million pounds of catfish per year, and Alabama still has the land and water resources to support an industry 10 times its current size.
