Maurer-Atmos Middleby GmbH

Kindlebildstrasse 100 Reichenau , Germany
Tel: +49 7531 9422 0
Fax: +49 7531 9422 190



Maurer-Atmos GmbH is a global technology partner for efficient production systems, engineering solutions and service in the meat production and food processing industry.  Activities: Consulting, Production, Planning, Marketing, Development, Customer, Service Production plants and equipment for smoking, cooking, pasteurizing, chilling, baking, ripening, thawing and storing of meat, cured meat, poultry, fish and convenience food products Since July 2011, Maurer-Atmos has been acquired by the US group The Middleby Corporation, embedded in the division “processing & packaging technology brands” where it is known as Maurer-Atmos Middleby GmbH. As a strategic part of the Middleby Processing Group, Maurer-Atmos Middleby GmbH lines up with all its reputable sister companies Alkar, Armor Inox, Auto-Bake, Baker, Cozzini, Danfotech, Drake, MP Equipment, RapidPak, Spooner Vicars and Stewart.
