AquaChile S.A. - Group Headquarters

Sector Cardonal S/N Lote B. Puerto Montt , Chile
Tel: +56 65 433550
Fax: +56 65 433551



AquaChile’s development goes back to the very beginning of the Chilean salmon industry. During the eighties, when the first commercial productions of farmed salmon took place in waters of the southern part of the world, Salmones Pacífico Sur – related to the Fischer family – harvested the first specimens of salmon to be exported to Japan. At the same time, the Puchi brothers, together with Pablo Aguilera, established their own salmon ovas and smolts production company, AquaChile. Now the AquaChile is the parent company of a group of companies which are involved in all salmon process. August 2018 - Agrosuper informed the purchase of 67% of the shares of the salmon company Empresas AquaChile S.A. to its majority shareholders, in addition to the launch of a Public Offer of Shares (OPA) to acquire up to 100% of the company. The company indicated that the operation is subject to the approval of the free competition authority and could reach a value of US $ 850 million. AquaChile is linked to the Puchi and Fischer families, where each one has 33.03% ownership. The remaining 33.95% is in the hands of minority shareholders.  
