Grup Aresa International

Edifici ARESA Moll del portinyol s/n, Zona portuària Arenys de Mar , Spain
Tel: +34 93 792 13 00
Fax: +34 93 792 12 40



GRUPO ARESA INTERNACIONAL has developed throughout its more than 50 years of trajectory an extensive catalog of projects in the sector of the shipbuilding that surpass the more than 1200 boats directed to the fishing, the surveillance, the leisure, of service, Of transport, through its five production centers scattered along the Spanish coast. The development of R & D projects has made it possible to differentiate the company in the shipbuilding market, giving its products a quality and innovation that have made them a reference in their sector. The objective of GRUP ARESA INTERNACIONAL has been from its beginnings, to become leader of the naval construction in the national scope, fact that has obtained thanks to the use of materials 'composites' and systems of high technology. But also thanks to the experience and professionalism of its staff, composed of more than 400 people, of which 50 are industrial technicians and engineers in different specialties. 
