Thenaisie Provote, S.A. - Thenaisie-Provôté

Arrufana-Louredo, 321 Mos , Spain
Tel: +34 986 40 40 00
Fax: +34 986 40 42 43



We must go back to 1904 to see the beginnings of this company. The family company was founded in El Grove (Pontevedra) by Henri Chancerelle, a Frenchman who came from Nantes, attracted by the high expectations of growth of the nascent canning, decides to mount in this Galician town factory. Part of the project is funded by the family Thenaisie (also originally from the neighboring country) that as good bankers, are in has an interesting business opportunity. The then principal shareholder of the company, the multinational group CIMPOR Portuguese gave way to a new shareholder formed by a group of investors historically linked to the company and at a rate of 30% for the same management team, led by its current CEO, Lorenzo White Refojos. Thenaisie-Provot has since 1998 Quality certification EN ISO-9002, awarded by AENOR, one of the most reputable certification companies in Europe. In 2003 obtained the renewal of certification to the Spanish Standard UNE - EN ISO 9001:2000. In 2006 IFS obtains the certificate, awarded by Det Norske Veritas. Brands: Great Hotels, Tapas
