Fextun, S.A.

Urbanización El Dique , Avenida La Palomas, Sector Boca del Rio, Cumana, , Venezuela

Email: fextum@gmail.com

Website: http://www.fextun.org.ve

Website: https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=Fextun

Factory 10 years ago Exquisiteces Tuna, FEXTUN, SA began the processing of tuna to take from the sea to the tables of the Venezuelan people, in the year 2006 Ricardo Fernandez Barrueco decide to invest in the food sector and made ??great improvements in the business, getting to create the most modern plant tuna fishing, always maintaining the highest standards of quality and offering our products primarily to Mercal, Chain Supermarkets, warehouses, Makro, among others. To achieve such hard work with a production line located in the city of Cumana, Sucre state, where technology is applied to European and American developed high efficiency operation in the stages of development of the various products produced for FEXTUN Venezuelan consumption. It has an installed capacity to produce 6,000,000 boxes of tuna averaging 28 cans per case finished in any type of presentation required by the market.
