Optimar Fodema S.A.

Rua Parrocha 32, Apdo. 1977 Vigo , Spain
Tel: +34 609 867 091
Fax: +34 986 493 094
Tel: +34 986 483 000

Email: info@gulfstream.es

Email: info@optimarfodema.es

Website: http://pages.fis.com/gulfstream

Website: http://www.optimarfodema.es

Optimar offers specialized machinery and total solutions within fish processing, live fish handling and refrigeration. The unique combination of expertise within the Optimar companies, combined with their locales in the main Norwegian fishing region, makes Optimar an attractive partner for both the onboard and onshore fish industries.Number of employees: 96 Optimar with more than 50 years in the market and extensive experience in all areas of fish processing, now covers the most diverse areas of the industry and offers solutions for the vast majority of the products involved in the process. FISHING VESSELS EQUIPMENT PROCESSING OF FISH AND CEPHALOPODS PACKAGING OF FISH SOLUTIONS IN AQUACULTURE FROSTBITE ON BOARD AND ON LAND REFRIGERATION & ICE
