New Alaska LLC

Mebelnaya str. 12-1 A, St Petersburg , Russia
Tel: +7 812 363 21 22



Group of companies “New Alaska” was founded in the year 2003 as a sales and processing division of North West Fishing Consortium. From the very beginning New Alaska was an ambitious player aiming at leadership in the industry. By the year 2005 New Alaska was selling its products in such regions of Russian Federation as Central Region, North West Region, Ural, Siberia, and Black Sea Coast. Now more than 450 companies are our partners. In the year 2009 a Danish company Kangamiut SeaFood a/s became one of shareholders of New Alaska. This company has leading position in the world market of fishing and selling Arctic Shrimp (Pandalus Borealis). This cooperation strengthened current status of New Alaska and gave new possibilities for development and growth.
