IGaFA - Instituto Gallego De Formacion En Acuicultura

Niño do Corvo s/n Illa de Arousa , Spain
Tel: +34 986 52 71 01 / 0
Fax: +34 986 52 71 61

Email: info@igafa.es

Website: http://www.igafa.es

The IGAFA is currently the only center of Galicia -Spain -imparting vocational aquaculture and diving. It is an educational center under the Directorate General of Fisheries Development and Innovation (Department of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs - Xunta de Galicia) and funded by the European Social Fund (ESF). It was opened in 1992 and he initially vocational training courses in aquaculture were held until 1994, which began to be taught the Vocational Training Vocational Training Specific 'Technical Operations Fish Farming "(Grade Middle) and" Production Technician in Aquaculture "(Higher Grade). In 1999 the teaching professional diving unregulated joined. began in 2000 to be taught the intermediate level of aquaculture in solitary adults (or Modular) and Programme Social Guarantee "Operator aquiculture." In 2001 the average cycle "Media Technician Diving to Depth" was introduced. In 2003-2004, was given the "Master in Innovation, Technology Management and Aquaculture Production (MITGA ) ". 
