Kampi ehf is a experienced and leading prawn factory, specialized in prawn processing and marketing. Kampi ehf is located in Ísafjörður, a town in North West of Iceland.
Kampi ehf is a private limited company (ehf = Ltd) and the main owner is a former trawler operation named Birnir ehf (Bears in english). Birnir ehf owned two trawlers which catched fresh shrimps which were processed in Kampi. Birnir quit trawler operations in the year 2014.
Other owners of Kampi ehf are some key employees of Kampi ehf and other individuals.
Kampi ehf produces high quality products with maximum supervision from the quality management team, customers and independent trusted sources, for instance: The Icelandic Directorate of Fisheries, The Public Health Authority and SAI GLOBAL/Efsis.Kampi ehf has also license to import frozen cooked shrimp to Russia