Maress Seafood, S.R.O.

Thámova 221/7 Praha 8 , Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 811 282
Fax: +420 224 811 284



The company SEBASTIEN CZ uses the trade name MARESS taken as a model that really offer our customers a wide range of products from that country. We offer high quality products from trusted manufacturers and farmers to best satisfy customers with their requirements. Our company operate only with leading manufacturers in Italy and other countries that offer only the specialties without chemical treatment, and their production and products bearing the name of BIO. Marine and freshwater fish are very well treated, and during transport to the CR is always strongly supervised the quality of transport and refrigeration. Company motto is to offer quality for each household and the table and says Czech proverb Our customer is our master.  All these delicacies, though at first glance seem very different, have one thing in common taste the best. Need a minimum of spices and culinary finesse to fully develop their natural flavor.
