Food & Life at a Glance -Exhibition-

GHM Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen mbH Willy-Brandt-Allee 1 München , Germany
Tel: +49 (089) 949 55-338



FOOD & LIFE has been a meeting point of bon vivants and exacting consumers since 2004. FOOD & LIFE is centred around the food trade. When we do our daily shopping in the supermarkets, we see full shelves and therefore often forget that good food is not industrially manufactured but made by highly skilled craftsmen on the basis of sophisticated know-how. What is decisive is not only the selected quality of specialties offered but also the pure taste and elaborate method of production. Exhibitors will not only offer visitors a taster of high-quality products but they will also provide competent information about the origin of their produce and how it was produced. Verköstigung angeboten, sondern auch kompetent Auskunft über Herkunft und Herstellung der Erzeugnisse gegeben. Publikumsmagnet der FOOD & LIFE ist die Aktionsbühne. Spitzen- und Sternenköche verraten ihre kulinarischen Geheimnisse und demonstrieren, wie gute Produkte am besten verarbeitet werden. Außerdem werden Produkte vorgeführt und Experten diskutieren zu aktuellen Fragen der Ernährung und nachhaltiger Produktionsweisen. 
