Wakatu Incorporation

Wakatu House, Level 2, Montgomery Square Nelson , New Zeland
Tel: +64 3 546 8648
Fax: +64 3 548 3226

Email: info@wakatu.org

Website: http://www.wakatu.org

We are a business of the land and sea. The land, the mother provider that nourishes, cares for and tends to those who respect her.  Through business we will continue to give thanks for the precious gifts she rewards us with. We aim to gain profits, yet always stay true to the laws of the land and work in harmony for the future of all.  Wakatu Incorporation is widely known for its residential and industrial subdivisions throughout Motueka, Richmond and Nelson.  The group also has many commercial land investments and developments. Maori reserved land is protected from sale, safeguarding it for future generations of development and prosperity.
