Hampidjan Hitec Ropes AS

Skuteviksbodene 11 Bergen , Norway
Tel: +47 55 30 20 90

Email: post@hampidjan.no

Website: http://hampidjan.is

The Parent Company, Hampidjan in Iceland, was founded back in 1934. With strong partners in Ireland and Denmark, the Hampidjan Group has evolved to become one of the largest Fishing Gear and Super Ropes Manufacturer of the world, having 14 entities in 4 continents with over 600 employees. Among the Group’s entities are companies with strong local and international backgrounds, rooted in servicing dynamic fisheries for several decades, including Swan Net Gundry in Ireland and Scotland and Cosmos Trawl in Denmark. In addition, there are affiliates in New Zealand, Namibia, Newfoundland.  
