Sealane Coldstorage BV

EEMSHORNWEG 5, Eemshaven , Netherlands
Tel: +31 596 633888
Fax: +31 596 633899



You have reached the web quay of Sealane Coldstorage in Eemshaven, the Netherlands. Sealane Coldstorage stores, handles, tranships and distributes/forwards foodstuffs shipped in either by sea or by road – primarily freshly frozen fish and other seafood. Customers from around the world know that their conditioned loads are in good hands with us. At exactly the right temperatures. Sealane Coldstorage was established in 1979, as one of the first companies in the (at the time) brand new Eemshaven Seaport in the North of the Netherlands. Over time, the company built a reputation as a serviceoriented company, committed to its customers and perfect handling and storage of their products
