Mercamadrid Internacional

Centro Administrativo, Avda. De Madrid s/n Madrid , Spain
Tel: +34 91 785 00 00
Fax: +34 91 786 00 99



Madrid, Spain’s capital has had since 1982 the central food market Mercamadrid, with influence abroad, run by the mixed company Mercamadrid, S.A., and concentrating, at a single location, the central markets for fish, fruit and vegetables, and meat, as well as diverse companies specialised in the different sectors of the food industry. Mercamadrid, S.A. its attached to the Madrid Town Hall Councillor of Economics and Citizens Participation. This ‘market of markets’ has firmly established itself as the largest market in Europe for perishable foodstuffs. It has a total of 176 hectares at the service of the 700 companies located there. Mercamadrid is the 'Food Unit' at the service of the city and its area of influence. The growth and diversification of services is, without a doubt, one of the characteristics of this major food distribution complex. For the companies of the sector who carry out their activities at Mercamadrid, the Complex represents the ideal environment in which to work in the most rational and efficient manner. Specialised centres for each one of the sub-sectors of the food industry, and facilities and services designed to meet their different needs.
