LDRAC - Consejo Consultivo Regional de Flota de Larga Distancia en Aguas no Comunitarias - Long Distance Fleeet Regional Advisory Council

C/ Velazquez Nº 41 , 4º C Madrid , Spain
Tel: +34 91 432 36 23
Fax: +34 91 432 36 24

Email: secretaria@ldrac.eu

Website: http://www.ldrac.eu

The Long Distance Fleeet Regional Advisory Council(LDRAC) was constituted in May, 2007, of conformity with the Council Decision 2004/585/CE, which established a common frame for the Regional Advisory Council. The Regional Advisory Council were proposed by the first time during the evaluation of the common fishing policy, in 2002, as a way of guaranteeing the wide participation of the parts been interested in the processes of formulation of policies of fishing management. The RACs elaborate recommendations and suggestions on the aspects of the fishing that concern the zone of his incumbency and they them present to the Commission or to the national competent authorities by request of the above mentioned or on own initiative. The RACs are composed by representatives of the fishing sector and of other interested groups, whereas the representatives of the scientific world are invited to inform in the meetings of the RACs as experts. The Commission and the regional and national representatives of the members states can be present in the meetings as observers.
